Mythologium 2022 welcomes Sarah Drew

Sarah’s talk is called “Myths of Regenesis: Co-Creating a Fertile Earth”

How do we activate living myths for our times, vital stories that regenerate and inspire our cultural psyche and deepen our interrelationships with our living Mother Earth? Stories that unlock the teaching codes of old, and also allow us to collectively dream and create a future that nourishes and honors all sentient life?

This query and mandate have been central to my life’s work. I am the author of Gaia Codex, a globally popular eco-feminist novel which tells the tale of an ancient lineage of women, the Priestesses of Astera who through the rise and fall of cultures have held regeneration codes for the Earth. In this mythos, these women come together in times of cultural and environmental crises to help birth the world anew.

My presentation explores how we are each keepers of inter-generational wisdom and creators of new myths inspiring a vital future. Our collective mandate is to create, in multiple mediums, stories of regeneration and well-being and models of civilizations that live harmoniously with our Mother Earth. It is time to break the spells of inevitable dystopian collapse.

About Sarah

As the visionary author of the eco-feminist novel, Gaia Codex, Sarah Drew catalyzes powerful blueprints for the future deeply rooted in the gnosis of the past. Sarah has been a featured speaker at the graduate level and at organizations such as Google, ABC, Deepak Homebase, and Bioneers, and she is currently a popular teacher and mentor for women worldwide on topics such as Feminine Wisdom, Evolutionary Culture, and Regenerative Technologies. Learn more at and

To hear Sarah’s talk and many others, join us at the Mythologium!

The Mythologium is a conference and retreat for mythologists and friends of myth, held July 29 – 31 via Zoom in the Pacific time zone. Join us to rekindle your mythic spark!